Sunday, April 10, 2011


Hello friends!

We are back!! Although the server is not completely up, we have begun podcasting! A new method we have discovered is to share our show over PodOmatic which has the ability of subscribing to our show and receiving the new podcasts as the come in! You also can download the show as an MP3 (pretty cool, huh?).

Once again, my biggest apologies for taking so long with this. After scheduled conflicts and with the server still not up and running, we have decided to continue nevertheless. We hope to have the online server up and running soon, and hopefully you can hear us back on DaQube Radio fairly soon!

This show is the first edition of the "2K11 series". A new method of HIGH ENERGY HEROES in which we provide the most enhanced audio as we can for you, the listener. We hope to be able to start enhanced podcasting in which includes hyperlinks, album art, and information for you!

More things coming up, are shown here, all of the ads for HIGH ENERGY events around the world, are included in the HIGH ENERGY HEROES episodes in the 2K11 series. We once again thank you for all of your support throughout our two year journey!


Download this week's show! Artists included are: Rudy & Co, Muriel DacQ, Desireless, Rofo, Ken Laszlo & many more!


Buenas amigos!

Regresamos de nuevo a las mezclas. Aunque nuestro servidor, DaQube, todavia tiene problemas con su nuevo sitio, esperemos estar muy pronto de nuevo sobre la radio en Internet.

Algo nuevo que descubrimos es el "podcasting." Ya puedes descargar los programas como podcasts en tu iTunes por automatico. Asi podras disfrutarlo en tu reproductor favorito MP3.

Mil disculpas de nuevo por tardar meses en traerles nuevas mezclas, pero empezamos el 2011 con nuestra edicion 2K11. Esto es un metodo en cual nosotros te damos las mezclas con la mejor calidad posible por audio. Ya puedes recibir estas mezclas mejores que anteriormente. Esperamos pronto poder a empezar "enhanced podcasting" en cual tus episodios favoritos tengan fotos, links y mucho mas!

Muchas gracias a todos por todo su apoyo en rumbo a nuestro 2ndo aniversario.


Descarga el programa de esta semana aqui. Artistas incluyen: Rudy & Co, Muriel DacQ, Desireless, Rofo, Ken Laszlo y mucho mas!

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