Big apologies for not having any new episodes of HIGH ENERGY HEROES aired yet. Our server station DaQube is relocating to a newer, more complex studio and complex broadcasting system from Bakersfield to Los Angeles, CA. It shall be done in the fall, so you won't have long to wait!!
For now, lets start off by apologizing again. There has been no official link out for the CARLOS PEREZ VALENTINE'S DAY show of THE HIGH ENERGY HEROES SHOW. But no biggie, for those who want to finish their collection, here you go!
mediafire link - CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD
Now some brief information on Carlos Perez, the star of this Valetine's Day special. The reason Carlos Perez was picked is because the songs he and Fonny De Wulf did were based on love and targeted the younger audience in the 1980s. As a single man then, Carlos Perez became a sensation from his native Spain, to the Benelux region (where Fonny De Wulf is from) all the way to... you guess it, Mexico!
Carlos Perez became a huge sensation in Mexico that when Discos Musart released his records in Mexico, within a span of two years, he already scored a platinum record for his sales in 1986! His main hit "Las Manos Quietas" is his best known hit to this day, and has been given the re-touch by several latin bands in styles of Merengue, Salsa and Banda; to name a few.
Although this Valentine's Day special does not include his greatest hit, we decided to focus on the B sides of the record "Soltero" as well as "Acercate" which was the Spanish cover of John Sauli's "Tonight Is The Night". His first hit "Poco A Poco" which paved the way for Carlos' success as an Italo Disco musician. Despite all of these hits, there is a B side to the "Acercate" single called "Decidete", a ballad that talks about choosing between your love and someone else with the lovely backing vocals of Miss Samantha Gilles (Let Me Feel It, S.T.O.P. also on Fonny's label.)
After his hits in the mid to late 1980s, Carlos Perez decided to put a hiatus on his solo career and focus on production towards other European artists at the time. Now twenty five years after "Las Manos Quietas" was originally released, Fonny De Wulf and Carlos Perez are at it again, working on Las Manos Quietas 2K10, the newest production and return of Carlos Perez to vocals again!!! Hopefully we are able to get some new material once released from the amazing singer and maybe even an interview! Many more suprises in store!!! For more information on Carlos and what he's been up to, click the picture!
Keep checking back at the HIGH ENERGY HEROES blog, in future posts the Tyrants In Therapy have a new album!! and DJ FLASHBACK and HIGH ENERGY HEROES gives its review, you don't want to miss this!!!